Thursday, April 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Babies!

Since my last post, BOTH of my kids have celebrated a birthday. Liam is now 4, and London is the big 2. Since their birthdays are so close together, and I didn't know far enough in advance how I would feel at this point in the pregnancy, we had a joint party with a Cars 2/Elmo theme. We had a good turnout, despite missing a TON of guests due to a stomach virus. The kids had fun, and my mom was even able to make the long drive for the festivities. I can't believe it's been 4 years since Liam was born (or 2 since London came along!). In some ways it seems like the time is flying by, and in others it seems like we've been a little family forever.

Enjoying some birthday cake.

Opening Gifts
Liam's Cake
London's Cake

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