Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I was so excited that my cousin Shelly and her family came to visit us for an afternoon. You see, Shelly grew up in two places...next door to me and in the Phillippines, where they were missionaries. I always looked forward to the year (every 4 years) that they would come home and I could see them again. Now Shelly and her family are missionaries in Indonesia (my aunt and uncle are still completing the work in the Phillippines!). I am lucky enough to be in Michigan, where BOTH my aunt Jeanie AND Shelly and her family are staying, and BOTH dropped by for an afternoon visit. Our kids had so much fun playing together, and it reminded me of playing with shelly and her sisters and brother when we were little. It was so much fun having them, even if it was short!

We were so busy visiting that this is the only photo I got. My aunt snapped a few more, so I'm hoping to see those :)

Some Things are Worth the Mess...

Like S'Mores fresh from the grill!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I've been bitten...

By the crafting bug! There is a website that I just joined called pinterest- there are TONS of great ideas for EVERYTHING on there! Lots of fun activities to do with the kids, easy home improvement ideas, sewing, crafts, etc. Thanks to that website, I've been very busy during the kids nap times! Here are a few things that I have made:

This greeting card is not from Pinterest, but my friend Kim taught our mom's group how to do some card making- this is hand stamped and colored :) So much fun! I'm pretty proud of this wreath that I made using only some burlap, a wreath form, and some fabric covered buttons (ignore the baby-poop green front door- that's why it always needs a wreath!):

This is some artwork that I did for Liam's walls of his new room using only scrapbook paper and some cheap ($1.99) frames from IKEA. I LOVED the way they looked using matted frames, but they were $19.99 each, and kind of blew the whole cheap concept :)

I made this headboard for our bed (in the pic it looks crooked- because it was- that has since been fixed!) Sorry about the poor lighting, at the time, our bedrooms didn't have overhead lighting...now they do thanks to some very affordable swag lamps from IKEA! (do you see a theme here?). This project was so inexpensive! All I used were 4 sheets of Foamboard, quilt batting and some fabric- and Josh's staple gun!

Here is the before picture from our bedroom:

I also made the bookshelves for Liam's room using IKEA spiceracks (see previous post). I have some things I am working on for London's room and also am starting on the kids Halloween costumes- I love making things!

New Room for a Bigger Boy!

Liam is getting bigger very fast. We have been talking about upgrading him to a twin bed for a while now, but when Josh's mom called and said that his uncle had a frame that she didn't need anymore, we knew we had to jump on it. We upgraded his bed and let him pick out his new bedding (he went with a transportation theme, which actually matched the vinyl decorations that we already had!), and did some more fun things to his room. My favorite part was when Josh and I were putting his new bed together, he said in a very excited tone of voice "This is going to be so scary!", but he had no trouble going to sleep in his new big bed. Here are the before and after pics:

Before- he was outgrowing his toddler bed quickly!
After- My favorite part of his room are the "bookshelves" next to his bed. They are really spice racks from IKEA that I painted to match his room- just $3.99 each! That way he has some of his favorites right next to his bed for easy access (since our "reading station" with most of our books is in the toy room in the basement)