Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's a....

Boy! We found out on Tuesday that we are expecting our second little boy! We are very excited, and I think that it might help London avoid some "Middle Child" issues :) This way, Liam is special because he's the oldest, and London is Special because she's the Girl, and baby Declan is special because he's the baby. We plan on naming him Declan Garbriel. I know, I know, it doesn't start with an L but we didn't agree on any L names and I don't think naming him something that begins with the letter "D" will scar him for life. He'll be okay.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


It has been a very long time since I posted, and I've heard about it from a few of you...sorry! Here is pregnant picture to make it up to you- 18 weeks with #3! You'll have to ignore the fact that my head is cut off...Liam is new at photography :)

Daddy Time!

Josh had a week of vacation, and we decided not to go anywhere. My parents came up for the first weekend to watch the kids while Josh and I went to Bay City and Frankenmuth/Birch Run for one night- we outlet shopped and had some R&R (including several meals out without kids!). Thanks Mom and Dad for watching them! It was a great way to refresh for the rest of the week!

We stayed home, and enjoyed time as a family. We went to the zoo, and Liam and Josh went "camping" in the living room, in a fort that they had built. They were going to camp outside, but we weren't sure Liam would last, and this way they could watch a movie together. It was so nice to have Josh home for the whole week! We even had nice weather that week! It was upper 70's to upper 80's that entire week with only one rainy day- that is UNHEARD of in Michigan in March. In fact, we went to the park this morning (a month later) and it was 39 outside...we had to move to playland at McDonalds to keep from freezing!

Camping- what a good sport to sleep on the floor just to amuse Liam!

London enjoying a bounce on Josh.
Polar Bear Exibit- the bears were out in the almost 90 degree weather, rather than in the cool water (???)
Polar Bear Exhibit again
Liam enjoying his grapes in the wagon
London LOVES the monkeys!
After a long, hot day!

Josh's First Pinterest Project

I HATED our dining room table. We bought a counter height table before we had kids, and let me tell you, counter height tables and kids do not mix well. My kids (and friends kids) were always climbing in and out of the chairs and falling off. The fact that we are expanding our family and our table only had 4 chairs was the perfect excuse I needed to go buy a new one. I was browsing around on pinterest one day, and came across plans for a farmhouse table that I loved. I showed Josh and said "Let's see you build this". I was kind of joking, but he got it in his head, and went for it (using the fact that he took woodshop in Jr. High as his qualification). I wasn't sure what to expect. Let's just say that I didn't list our current table on craigslist until after it was completed, but I have to say I am SOOOO impressed with my husband! He works a bazillion hours a week, and comes home and makes this amazing table with a bench for the kids to sit on. It turned out great!! I LOVE it, and we have gotten so many compliments from friends on it- who are even more impressed when I tell them that Josh made it. The photo below looks a little funny, because one of our dining chairs was missing- it was at the computer. By the time I realized it, the memory card was in the computer, and it was uploaded, and I am much too lazy to take another one ;)

Since this, he has built a bench similar to this one for my photographer friend Jeni to use as a photo prop, and a table that slides over the sofa cushions so we have a place to set our drinks when we watch TV. Next up is a new entertainment center- London ripped the door off of our old one- and then storage beds for the kids, who will share a room when the baby comes. Who knew he had this talent?!

Here is the work in progress...Liam was helping him :)

Happy Birthday Babies!

Since my last post, BOTH of my kids have celebrated a birthday. Liam is now 4, and London is the big 2. Since their birthdays are so close together, and I didn't know far enough in advance how I would feel at this point in the pregnancy, we had a joint party with a Cars 2/Elmo theme. We had a good turnout, despite missing a TON of guests due to a stomach virus. The kids had fun, and my mom was even able to make the long drive for the festivities. I can't believe it's been 4 years since Liam was born (or 2 since London came along!). In some ways it seems like the time is flying by, and in others it seems like we've been a little family forever.

Enjoying some birthday cake.

Opening Gifts
Liam's Cake
London's Cake


Once again, my friend Jeni and her photography came in handy when we wanted to make this cute announcment. I saw the idea on Pinterest, and had to have it :) I love the shoes the kids chose to wear- they represent their personalities so well! So yes, we are having another baby! #3...maybe we're a little crazy, but we're pretty excited too! I'm due September 3rd, and we find out on April 17th if it's a boy or a girl- assuming baby cooperates as well as the other two did!

This pregnancy has been VERY different so far. I was pretty sick the whole first trimester with Liam, and if you remember, London tried to kill me during the first trimester with her. I felt like I had a terrible stomach virus for 7 weeks straight. This pregnancy has been much more "normal". At least it's safe to say, the first trimester was normal. I had days where I was tired and had to fight off the nausea, but I never threw up, and it was so much more pleasant! The kids are excited, Liam says it's a boy, because he wants a brother, and London told me to let the baby out to walk on a recent zoo trip. My favorite was Liam's reaction when we told him there was a baby in my belly. He looked up at me with VERY wide eyes and said "You ATE a baby!".

My blue eyed boy and his favorite Mr. Bear.
Silly Girl!

Merry Christmas!

I know it's terrible, but I didn't take many pictures at Christmas time. We were so busy and having so much fun! Josh was working crazy hours around Christmas, so we wanted to spend the 4 days he had off together, and, well, I just forgot. So instead, I will just tell you that we had a wonderful Christmas. Our families both came up to visit. The photo that I have is of an advent that I made. Each little red and green envelope contains an activity for us to do for each of the 25 days of Christmas. Some were simple, like "Decorate Christmas Cookies" or "Watch a Christmas Movie and Eat Popcorn". Others required more planning, like "Drive through the Live Nativity Scene" and "Bake Cookies and deliver them to neighbors". Overall, it kept us busy, and was a lot of fun!

My friend Jeni took some photos for us in exchange for me making cakes for her boys birthdays. I love it when I can trade for something! Anyway, these photos were three of my favorites. There are so many more great ones, but they just take so long to upload :)