Sunday, May 18, 2008

What a big Boy!

Liam is getting so big! He's up to 15 pounds now, but has been for about a week and a half, so maybe he's slowing down some!! Here are some of our newer photos of him:

This one is his first bath without the infant hammock holding him up. He didn't know what to do at first...his arms and legs were just floating there-- he kept trying to grab the hammock for suppport, but it wasn't there! He's got it down now though, and loves it!

I love his little flannel shirt. Josh picked this out the day after we found out that we were having a boy! It's acutally a onsie-- he looks like a little country boy!

Our New Place

After 3 days of searching in Detroit, and looking at about 15 different apartments/duplexes, we finally found the place that we are going to live. We are moving the weekend of July 11th- a week later than what we wanted, but this place is by far our favorite.

Although it feels strange to go from a house that we own with lots of storage space back into an apartment, there are some positive things---like 2 bathrooms! And it's ranch-style, so there's no running up and down the stairs to get things.

As far as living space, the apartment actually has more than our house, but when you count the basement, our house is bigger. The community has a pool and fitness center, which we really like. It's in Taylor, Michigan, which is only about 7 miles from the hospital in Garden City where Josh will be working.

These photos are of the model--this is not our furniture.

Sleeping through the Night!! Yeah!

In the couple of weeks that have passed since I started this blog, Liam has started "officially" sleeping through the night. We put him to bed around 8:45 now, and he sleeps until about 6:30, although this morning he went all the way until 7:30! I am still waking him up around 10:30 to feed him. It's wonderful not to have to get up in the middle of the night anymore! My next goal is to drop that 10:30 feeding. You can see in this photo that the extra sleep is doing him good--he's such a happy boy!!

House Centipedes

So I like to think that I'm not a wimp when it comes to bugs and other things that most girls don't like. I don't like spiders, but I will kill them without freaking out. But when we moved to Michigan a couple of years ago, I discovered a new "pest" that really freaks me out. I decided that i would share with you, because I just went into the basement and saw one. This is the only bug that I have met that I do not just kill right away-- i have to talk myself into it. My first reaction is to run back upstairs, but that never works out, because I was going into the basement for a reason, so I always have to turn around and go back. If Josh is around, I make him kill them for me, but if not, it's all up to me. Gross! I found out that it is a house centipede the first time I saw one. I spent a long time searching google for different bugs-- I wanted to make sure that it wasn't poisonous! Luckily, these bugs prefer the basement-- I have only seen one upstairs (knock on wood!) so I don't encounter them very often! Aren't they creepy looking??

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Goodbye First House!

So Many of you know that when Josh and I moved to Michigan a little over two years ago (yes, it's been that long!!) we purchased our first home. We weren't sure if it was a good idea or not (and still aren't quite sure...we'll see how things go over the next few months!) but we went for it anyway, convinced that eventually it will all work out (which, deep down, we still believe!)
Since then, we fell in love with the place--even though it's not perfect. The floors are a little uneven, the ceilings in the basement are only 5 and a half feet tall (hey- the basement stays dry!), and the bathroom is extremely tiny, not to mention we have enough stray cats outside to start our own rescue. But, despite it's imperfections, it cozy, clean, and ours.

Now it's time to move on with our lives as we try to sell our first house and move to Garden City, Michigan, where Josh will begin working in the hospital rather than taking classes. So this post acts as a salute and a farewell to our first home.

Baby Liam

So, as I'm sure you all know, Liam Tucker arrived on Tuesday February 19th at 2:21 p.m., weighing in at 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and stretching all the way to 20.5 inches.

My how time flies! Liam is now 10 and a half weeks old, and weighs a hearty 13 pounds, 12 ounces, and is 24 inches long. What a big boy! I have repeated the same conversation with his doctor (whom we love!)--

Me: Are we feeding him too much? Are we setting him up for a lifetime of Obesity?
Dr: No! He's doing great!

It did make me feel a little better this time, when the nurse said that he is in the 90th percentile for length as well as weight and head circumference, so he's not fat...he's just huge all over! While many of you are reading this thinking, "wow, he's almost 14 pounds and only 2 months old!" I must share that when Josh was 2 months old, he had a full 3 pounds on Liam, so Liam comes by it honestly!

So, since this blog is getting started 10 weeks into Liam's life, I will share with you:

  • He first smiled at 6 weeks old (well, his first true smile-- there were a lot of gas grins before then!) and we love his smile!
  • He moved into his own room at 10 weeks old-- I loved having him in his bassinet beside our bed, and I hadn't planned on moving him out until 3 or 4 months, but he recently started waking up and cooing to himself for an hour at a time in the middle of the night, and we were getting no sleep! Not a horrible problem to have though, to have a baby that wakes up happy to talk to himself!
  • His current likes include: Hearing Mommy and Daddy talk in ridiculously high pitched voices and make silly faces at him, His Crib Mobile, His Bouncy Seat, and Being Outside (weather permitting)
  • His current dislikes are: Having clothes pulled over his head, "Tummy Time", and having to wait more than 30 seconds for a meal once he's decided he's hungry.
  • People always ask me if he's sleeping through the night...that depends on your definition of the term. Many books and mom's say that sleeping through the night is when they sleep for 5-6 consecutive hours, which Liam does (usually from about 10:30-4:30), but i don't count it until he's asleep when I go to bed and doesn't wake up until at least 6:00 a.m.

So that's a little bit about Liam...We'll keep the information coming!

First Post!!!

Okay, Okay, so we're finally starting a blog, after much poking and prodding from friends and family from around the country. We really enjoy reading blogs posted by our friends, so we thought that we would jump on the bandwagon--hey, it's a great way to keep everyone updated on our lives and to post photos of Liam growing up! Please understand that I am new to the blogosphere, so our blog may look a little archaic until I get the hang of it! So, here is our very first blog post...hope you enjoy!