Monday, November 1, 2010


There is a long standing tradition in my family of making your own Halloween costumes. When I was a kid, my mom and I spent hours on a Hi-C Boppin' Berry drink box costume that I wore (and many people borrowed year after year!), and I made my brother into an adorable little Kit-Kat bar when he was in preschool. I have bought Liam's costume the last two years, but I thought this year would be a good time to start the tradtion around here.

I asked him what he wanted to be while we were watching a movie and eating popcorn, so naturally, he wanted to be popcorn. Here's what we came up with...and his tiny movie-ticket sister too :)

This photo was taken at a Medical Partners Halloween party. We also went trick-or-treating, which Liam loved. Every time someone would give him candy, he jumped up and down and yelled "I did it! More!!". We drove to a friend's neighborhood where the houses were all particpating and close together- the best neighborhood in the area for trick-or-terating, if you want my opinion. We didn't make it very far around (only about an hour total), but his bucket was full and he wanted to get in the car so he could eat it!

We all had a great time, but here is a tip- do NOT make a box costume for a two year old. We had to take it off between every house so he would walk to the next one. We had to wait for him to get up the stairs and put it back on again before he rang the doorbells. He didn't mind putting it on over and over though, since there was candy involved!

The best part was that Josh was post-call on the party day and off early for trick-or-treating, so he got to particpate in both! Yeah!