Monday, May 11, 2009

Missing Memory Card

I lost my memory card to my camera. :( It had all of Liam's baby pictures on it, along with some recent ones that I haven't had a chance to print out yet- namely our trip to New York City. I had finally filled it up, and was going to use it in a Digital Frame that we got for Christmas, and when I went to get it, it was gone. I was so sad!

That's one reason why this blog hasn't been updated yet- I've been tearing the house apart looking for this little tiny memory card. But I think that it must have fallen out of my camera case when I took a photo somewhere, because it's nowhere to be found. So sorry there aren't a bunch of fun pictures with some of these posts!

Lets go to the ZOO!

I recently got a membership packet from the Detroit Zoo, and something told me to hold onto it and not throw it away. When I looked closely at the information, I noticed that with all of the benefits, we would only have to go to the zoo twice in order for the membership to pay for itself, so we joined. That means we get free admission and free parking at the zoo, among other things. So last Tuesday we took our first trip this year. Liam LOVED the animals, but didn't notice the big slow ones like the Hippos and Rhino's. He loved the Penguins, monkeys, and Zebras and smaller faster ones that don't hold still. It was a beautiful day, so we both had a good time.
We've taught Liam to make an elephant noise when he sees a picture of an elephant, but the Detroit Zoo doesn't have elephants! It didn't matter though. Apparently, he makes the elephant noise when he sees an animal with a trunk...and an Anteater will do! We were looking at the anteater, and I told him what it was, and he smiled at me and started making his elephant noises. It was pretty cute!
You can't see it, but there's a Chimpanzee on the other side of that glass, and the two of them stared at each other for several minutes.
They had an elephant STATUE, but no elephants. Liam was a little afraid of it at first- but once I touched it, he was okay.
Ready for a big day at the Zoo.

He's an Outside Boy.

Liam LOVES being outside now that we've had some weather that's made it permissable. The only bad thing is that when we have weather that's cooler or rainy, he doesn't get that it's not fun to go outside. He often sits in front of the door and whines to go out. The other day, he got tired of sitting on the floor I guess, because he dragged his rocking chair all the way from his room to the front door and waited for me to open the door...

Here he is driving his car- a great purchase from Craigslist that my dad and I went to pick up when he was visiting us for a couple of days. I thought it would be great for trips to the mailbox, since that blue think behind him is a handle for me to hold onto, and Liam also likes to push it himself up and down the sidewalks around our apartment. Best $10 I've ever spent!

Learning to Walk

Liam is not walking yet, but he did take his first steps on Tuesday May 5th. Just two little steps, but he's done it since then. He's got a ways to go before he takes off on his own, but he's showing progress. Here are a few photos of him and Josh practicing.

Happy Easter!

Here are some photos of cookies that I made for Easter- Liam was still to young to do the Easter Egg Hunt in our city, but should be all set for next year! Our church also had one, but he was too young. Can't wait to help him hunt!

We were going to make a roast and eat together as a family, but then we got a better invitation, and some friends of ours invited us to dinner at their house- Thanks Sean and Jeannette! We had a GREAT meal, and got to spend time with friends.

Spartans in the Final Four!

Our favorite team, the Michigan State Spartans, made it to the NCAA Final Four, which is always special. This year, it was even MORE special, because the Final Four was held in Detroit, only 90 miles from campus, so needless to say, it was a sea of Green and White at Ford Field! Josh and I said we would love to go, but we called my mom to have her see how much tickets were going for (we were in NY with no internet access). They were WAY too much, so we thought we would have friends over for the game and watch it on TV instead. Imagine my surprise the next morning when I got a text from my mom, saying she bought us tickets and she's making the 9 hour drive, because she really wanted to see Liam anyway, so she would babysit him for us while we went to the game.

Saturday came, and Josh and I went to hoop city, which would have been great if we had kids ages 5-12, but there wasn't too much for us to do there. We got to see the U.S. Wheelchair Basketball team play, which was fun, and meet the one of the guys from "Harper's Island" a TV show on CBS. We headed over to the game to find out seats at a Green and White Ford Feild and had a GREAT time watching MSU beat U-Conn. They were moving on to the Championship game against UNC!

Monday night we packed back into our seats and got to watch the Temptations sing the National Anthem, and see Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. Michael Jordan was also there to be inducted into the hall of fame. We won't mention who won the game, but it was still SO MUCH FUN to be a part of a final four live, especially when the Spartans were in it. THANKS MOM AND DAD!

MSU Warming up before the U-Conn Game

Josh and I at Hoop City

Larry Bird and Magic Johnson

Go State!

Lion King

Josh got me tickets to the Broadway production of the Lion King for my Birthday. We had some babysitting issues, and were bailed out at the last minute by some friends, so we just had to grab some dinner at McDonalds before the show started (very romantic, if you ask me!) and then went to the show. It was wonderful, and the costumes were amazing. If you ever get a chance to see it, I highly recommend it!

New York, New York

Josh had a week of Spring Break in March, and we spent three nights in New York. I was a little nervous, as it was our first time traveling with Liam other than to our parent’s houses, but it went really well!

We fit a lot into our few days- we saw the Statue of Liberty, Ground Zero, the U.N. Building, Central Park, Wall Street, Battery Park, The MOMA, The Natural History Museum, and many of the famous shop on 5th avenue, just to name a few things. We also ate at a lot of yummy places, including Katz’s deli (where the scene in When Harry Met Sally was filmed), Pinkberry, and what we have now dubbed the best pizza in the U.S., Grimaldi’s in Brooklyn, thanks to my cousin and her family!

Unfortunately, all of our pictures from New York were on the lost memory card, so I only have these few that my cousin took- we had a great time hanging out with them for a day and meeting Wyeth, the newest addition to the family! We learned more about their neighborhood in Brooklyn than we did about the rest of New York- next time we’re going to borrow them to tour the whole city :)
By the way, sorry, I can't turn the underline off!

Liam with his cousins Wilsie and Wyeth.

Wilsie and Liam

Wilsie and Liam

Me with my cousin Kristin, Wilsie, and Wyeth.

Josh, Liam and I with my cousin Robert.
This view is very near where they live!