Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Josh and I went on our first trip without the kids at the beginning of December. Josh had some business in Seattle, and I had a free flight, so I decided to join him. He only had part of one day filled, so we had one full day and two half days to explore the city...what a beautiful city it is! I always thought it was freezing, but it's not at's very temperate, and it was tolerable to walk around without a coat one of the days, and comfortable with a coat the rest.

The first day we went to Pike's Place Public know, the place where they throw the fish? I loved that place, and we went back every day we were there. Oh. Another thing you should know about Seattle...the food is AMAZING. Clam chowder and seafood are awesome...they are also known for, yes please! Saturday we felt like there was still a lot to do, and it was our last full day there, so we went on a tour. Due to the time of the year, we ended up being the only people on the tour, so it was very worth it- our own private tour of Seattle! Here are a few things that we saw: here is the Fremont troll. We took one look at it and said "Liam would be terrified".

Here's a pic of the "fish throwing place". I only saw them throw a fish a couple of times, and my camera wasn't ready. The whole market was so much fun and full of good food and nice gifts.

Here is a view of the city and Mt. Rainier from Kerry Park. It was pretty early, so it was hard to get a good pic.

The market, as it was opening.

Josh and I in front of an indoor's just a little indoor park in the middle of Pioneer Square. Do I look tired here? One thing that I learned is that my body does not operate on pacific time. I could go to bed at 11 pacific (1:00 central) and wake up for good at 4 a.m. pacific, because it's 6 a.m. central, and well, that's what time my day usually starts!
Overall, it was a great trip. The kids stayed with my parents, and had a blast. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be to be away from them, but it was a pretty short time, and I was definately ready to get back to them on Sunday.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Josh had two days off for Thanksgiving...the day of and the day after. He had to go back to work on Saturday, but it was so nice to have him home two days in a was his first time to have two in a row off since he started in June! His mom, dad, and Grandma came up for Thanksgiving. I got to prepare the entire meal...turkey, dressing, dumplings, rolls, sweet potatoes...the whole shebang. I really wanted to do it by myself, since i had never done a whole Thanksgiving. It was fun, and everything turned out really well.
I also got to go Black Friday shopping. It wasn't my intention to get up at 4 a.m., but Liam was having plenty of nightmares that night, and I was up with him for the 3rd time at 4, so I just put my shoes and coat on and went to the mall. I didn't go crazy, but I did get some fun deals. Here are some pics:
Lonon on her First Thanksgiving...she likes this holiday, can you tell?

4 Generations of Josh's Family...his mom is in the Orange and Blue, and that's her mom in the pink holding London.

London playing with a soda bottle. She thinks this is great fun.

Liam showing us two things: His boots, which got cut out of the pic, and how big his belly got on Thanksgiving. He got to have chocolate pie for the first time, and he LOVED it.

Cake Pops

Okay, okay. I fell behind in updating again. I'll do better. It's a resolution of mine you know (yes, I plan my resolutions in advance). These are from November...I went to a dessert exchange party for Medical Partners. These yummy guys are cake pops. Never heard of them? I suggest you go to and check hers out. Wait. Don't. Then you'll know how much cuter these COULD be! They were pretty tasty too...the inside is cake and icing...all mashed up together, rolled into balls, and dipped in chocolate. mmmm. One of my other resolutions is to quit eating so much junk :)