Thursday, April 5, 2012

Josh's First Pinterest Project

I HATED our dining room table. We bought a counter height table before we had kids, and let me tell you, counter height tables and kids do not mix well. My kids (and friends kids) were always climbing in and out of the chairs and falling off. The fact that we are expanding our family and our table only had 4 chairs was the perfect excuse I needed to go buy a new one. I was browsing around on pinterest one day, and came across plans for a farmhouse table that I loved. I showed Josh and said "Let's see you build this". I was kind of joking, but he got it in his head, and went for it (using the fact that he took woodshop in Jr. High as his qualification). I wasn't sure what to expect. Let's just say that I didn't list our current table on craigslist until after it was completed, but I have to say I am SOOOO impressed with my husband! He works a bazillion hours a week, and comes home and makes this amazing table with a bench for the kids to sit on. It turned out great!! I LOVE it, and we have gotten so many compliments from friends on it- who are even more impressed when I tell them that Josh made it. The photo below looks a little funny, because one of our dining chairs was missing- it was at the computer. By the time I realized it, the memory card was in the computer, and it was uploaded, and I am much too lazy to take another one ;)

Since this, he has built a bench similar to this one for my photographer friend Jeni to use as a photo prop, and a table that slides over the sofa cushions so we have a place to set our drinks when we watch TV. Next up is a new entertainment center- London ripped the door off of our old one- and then storage beds for the kids, who will share a room when the baby comes. Who knew he had this talent?!

Here is the work in progress...Liam was helping him :)

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