Friday, May 18, 2012

Sharing a Room

Baby Declan is due in just over 3 months.  We debated which kids would share a room, and Liam and London were the winners...they were both VERY excited about it too!  With Liam being only 4, and a little clumsey, we didn't want to put him on a top bunk just yet, so I found this alternative, which offered a lot of storage too.  The beds here were inspired by pottery barn, only the pottery barn version was over $1,200.  So we found these plans and built them ourselves.  The beds were SUPER easy to build, and the corner unit wasn't much harder- it has hidden storage with a hatch at the top in addition to the shelves.   We wanted to get them moved in together several months before the baby comes, so that they would be used it it and I wouldn't be getting up with all 3 kids in the middle of the night.

So far, the middle of the night hasn't been an issue, but it took them 2 hours and 5 visits from us to quiet down and go to sleep the first night.  The second night went a little better taking only 1 hour and 2 visits.  I'm hoping it continues to get better as they get more and more used to it!  In the meantime, at least they are having fun! 

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